We will be hunting west of the Caroline Lodge about 2 hour drive. Our areas are primarily Wilderness, a Bighorn mecca as it is one of the hardest areas to access in the Southern Alberta Bighorn range, thus producing big Mature rams. As well the Famous Banff and Jasper National park always harbors large mature rams that frequent our areas making it in my mind Alberta’s top pick for harvesting a Mature Legal Alberta Bighorn Ram!


Our multiple exclusive areas speak for themselves! Chad SAVAGE Lenz and his team of professional guides are world famous in the Sheep hunting world for putting hunters on sheep!! This area is in Savage’s own Back yard and he first hunted the areas at the age of 18! That’s 37 years of sheep experience hunting sheep in Alberta, BC, Yukon, NWT and around the world! This ensures Hunters will have the best shot at the ram of their dreams!

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